Friday, August 15, 2014

Can't sleep!

This is Kat and it's been a long time since we have written.  Things have been going good.  We found a new doctor and our moods got stabilized.  I got off the cancer meds because it was them that were making me have the mood swings.  My oncologist readily accepted this decision.  It was only 4 mos. early.  The struggle we are having now is this incessant insomnia.  Some nights we don't sleep while others we get to sleep but wake up between 1 am - 5 am.  This happen daily.  I am chronically sleep deprived.  We thought it was the cancer meds but we got off those mid June.  I am starting to get situational depression over it.   It is affecting work and my ability to work.  I just want a couple of full nights of sleep.  

I am also getting tons of headaches which could be from the Fibro.  Migraines or migraine like headaches most days are wearing me down.

Still have the eating thing.

Overall thought I am doing I am not.  I am very tired...physically and emotionally.  However, I am grateful for my life and most things in it.

 Is this Jensen or Photoshop?  Whatever, I like it.