Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Out of Control!

I am Kat.  I am so worried and feel so out of control.  My calorie count got to 950 and now Leah and Angela are talking about making a list of the lowest calorie food with the least amount of sugar that we can eat in a day.  I think I lost a pound this morning so I don't know why they are so upset.  I don't want to fuck myself up any more.  They want to only allow us to eat between 500 - 700 a day.  This cancer med does not allow me to lose but what other damage am I doing to my body?  I already have osteopenia which is right before osteoporosis.  I already have the beginning of cateracts.  How is all my weird eating effecting that?  I am so scared.  I take laxatives now.  Kat is thinking about exercising which is great until she get compulsive and obsessive.  I really just want to die sometimes.  I really do!  I am so tired of all this shit.  I have so many things wrong with me and I see no end in sight.

If you are reading this and identify with me, please comment.  I till make me feel less alone.

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